

All plugins are available as a complete Body Bundle Package in the

$10 tier at

$10 tier at

The plugins are compatible with the VAM / Virt-A-Mate software. 

Download at

Released Plugins

Bundle of available and released plugins

Attach procedural lifters and cuffs linked by chains or ropes to different limbs.

Multipurpose plugin. Bring your characters to life, then gently to rest, emphasizing their expressions 

Create and play physical animations

One of the more advanced plugins. Self-balancing your characters. 

Includes Procedural Dancing and Procedural Walking

Adjust the muscle strength and muscle pose with sliders for each body part

Control your camera and lightning. Pose your character or automate your video recordings.

Create physical forces to move body parts

UI Manager

Manager for all plugins

Visualize joints, controllers, colliders and tooltips

Simulate floating in the water

Motion Manager

Physical swimming while floating in the water

Undo / Redo

What, this is not included in the ordinary application?

Analyzing and update the values of the properties of any object in the scene

Total control of the physical muscles

Ball-Pit Simulator

As a kid, this is like a dream come true!


Upcoming Plugins

Work in progress

Miscreated Face

Custom Unity Asset + Gaze plugin and some more features. Could be parented to your HMD or just spinning around in the scene?


A advanced but simple to use, physical driven plugin for next generation immersion!


Simple control of your all current plugins


Network, Body & Finger Management

Oral Manager

Maximized control of the mouth region


Further enhances the immersion of your characters