Relax - Morphs & Expressions

Common Morphs

Simple and clean interface where you can edit some common used morphs.

The values you edit here are stored in the relax template but can animated with the animation parameter set in the Settings->Timers->Morph Time.

They can also get into conflict if you use the random morphs, like Random Eyes Squint etc.

Random Single Morph/Expression

Random/Single is a morph and expression generator.

It will softly transform the morphs from one state to another state.

First it will determine if it it will morph. It's affected by the probability factor, where 1.0 is the highest probability and 0.0 is never ever.

All slider values explained:

  • Morph Minimum - Minimum value of the morph animation

  • Morph Maximum - Maximum value of the morph animation

  • Min Time [s] - Minimum time of the morph animation

  • Time Variance [s] - Randomized variance of the morph animation. (Max time = Min time + Variance time)

  • Probability - A value of 1.0 means that it always will be animated

  • Stability - Sustainability of a morph value

Enable soft transform of the smile morph

Random Multi Morphs/Expressions

Random/Medium Expressions can be used to create more dynamic expressions.

Instead of the probability and stability parameters it will instead use the individual probability factors as you can see in the image to the left. A higher value is more likely to get selected.

Make sure you don't use conflicting morph categories. For example if you use both Medium and Strong expressions at the same time it will probably result in immersive breaking actors.

Changing from always in a contempt mode to always get a full smile.

  • Morph Minimum - Minimum value of the morph animation

  • Morph Maximum - Maximum value of the morph animation

  • Min Time [s] - Minimum time of the morph animation

  • Time Variance [s] - Randomized variance of the morph animation. (Max time = Min time + Variance time)

Tongue Physics

First part is the tongue morphs. They could be animated in the same way as common morphs above, activated when you load the relax-template.

Gravity Side and Gravity In/Out are used to "fake" gravity. The tongue will morph in when the head is leaning back.

There are three different Tongue Physics templates available.

1 - Low Strength and High mass

2 - Medium Strength and Mass

3 - Higher Strength and Low Mass

Reset will set everything back to the default values.

Animation Morph Test

All the settings you create and save as a new Relax template will be used next time you load the template. It can be triggered as an external action or loaded from the Load & Save menu.

You can also quickly try the settings with the test button showed in the left image.

When pushing this button it might look like the image to the right.

Animated tongue with morph time and physical tongue. It's animated with the ReAnimator.