Relax - Unconscious

Enable/Disable plugin on template load

You can enable and disable specific plugins when loading a new template.

Wildcard is *

You can enter multiple selections separated by ;

E.g. *Audio*;*Gaze* will disable any plugin containing the word Audio and Gaze.

This is probably the most common use case. Keep all plugins enabled!

Disables all external plugins except for MacGrubers Breathing and Gaze.

Common parameters


Muscles relaxing

Fake head gravity

When enabled, the neck muscles will simulate gravity.

Use relax pose

Enables or disabled  the muscle pose when loading  a new template

Turn off animation

Any mocap animation will stop playing when loading a template and this is enabled.

Drop Dead

Releases the control points holding the character - Drop to floor.

Eyelid Control

Should be enabled if you want to use the internal VAM engine for eyelids. You will probably always keep this off.


Muscles relaxing

Relaxed fingers that are configurable with a slider